hourly rental, daytime in winnipeg
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Hourly Rental, Daytime
Winnipeg, MB, R2J0W3
added 9 days ago
May include utilities
Main Features
Short Term4 baths Furnished
Other Features
Large 4000 square foot Hall Available for Hourly Rental during the Daytime. Time slots currently available between the following times... Monday 07:00-17:00 Tuesday 07:00-17:00 Wednesday 07:00-17:00 Thursday 07:00-17:00 Friday 07:00-14:30 Upper Level -Main Hall includes approximately 4000 square of active space. -Main floor also features a basic kitchen and canteen, approx. 400 square feet total. -A small 200 square foot multipurpose meeting room with front desk is located adjacent to the lobby. -Upstairs features two handicap accessible Washrooms. -Main Floor has been well suited for education, child care, seminars, meetings, classes, exercise, martial arts & self defense, Bingo, trade show, craft sale, career fair, proffesional development, weddings, banquets, memorial services, reception, auditorium, music, theater and film, guides, scouting, cadet programs, Elections Canada, Elections Manitoba, Municipal Elections, Political Parties, Unions, Birthday Parties, Special Events and Indigenous Art, Culture & Educational Programs. Lower Level -Downstairs features additional Washrooms. -Downstairs space is also approximately 4000 square feet and is primarily suitable for classes, meetings, seminars and more. $50.00 per Hour Minimum shall apply to "Short-Term" and/or "Casual Rentals". The Executive Committee & Board of Directors determines any cost that would apply in regards to "Long-Term Rental", Member Pricing, High Frequency, Non-Profit/Charitable Organizations and Specialized Pricing. Inquiries Email: Centrestlouiscentre@gmail.com